Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Bible Verse Challenge, Day 1: Strength and Courage

Over on Facebook, one of my best friends challenged me to share a Bible quote that's personally meaningful for each day this week. Since today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, I thought that today would be great to start the reflections.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; be not frightened, neither be dismayed; for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. (Joel 1:9)

I remember stumbling upon this verse a few years ago while preparing for my driver's license road test. I was so apprehensive about it, and seeing this was an eye-opener.

"Have I not commanded you? ... Be not frightened!"

If you ask me, that sounds like a gauntlet. Courage in the Christian life isn't a suggestion or a requirement — it's a necessity if we hope to carry on. This life is full of trials, and we'll never navigate them successfully with a frightened spirit.

But it's certainly easier said than done. As someone who struggles with generalized anxiety, it's easy to read a verse like this one and think that I've failed.

With time, though, I've learned that strength, courage and a stomach full of butterflies are not mutually exclusive.

So many people believe that strength is measured in lack of emotion or vulnerability. And similarly, many think that courage is boldness without a drop of hesitation.

Those are lies. Scripture is full of people who stand as proof of true courage — they are able to act, to speak, to live unapologetically for God even in the midst of their fear.

A courageous heart is one that says "Jesus, I trust you" with each shaky step onto the water. A strong soul is one who doesn't shy away from honesty, even when that means being vulnerable or admitting failure.

Yes, God sets a high bar for us with this command. But He does it with the faith and confidence that we can reach it. That should be an encouragement for all of us.

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